Mega Four Bottle Sample Pack

Mega Four Bottle Sample Pack


Purpose: To add salinity, earthiness, and a crisp zestiness to a drink without adding sweetness. No muddling needed!

Outline: Usually 0.5mL-2.25mL is added to a drink, varying based on other ingredients and total drink size. Each dropper has mL increments listed for accuracy and precision with every drink.

Experiment: Tested with lemonades, hot chocolate, margaritas, mojitos, the Caipirinha, the Penicillin, Tiki drinks, and whisk(e)y drinks.

Observations: Banshee [Salted Bitters] adds a smooth minerality, Gremlins’ Glory [Ginger Bitters] adds a fresh, earthy spice, Gryphon’s Grace [Grapefruit Bitters] and Leprechauns’ Gold [Lemon Bitters] add a bright zestiness to all drinks listed under experiment, and many more untested.

Data: Banshee is a 50% abv solution of water, alcohol, two unprocessed sea salts and activated charcoal. Gremlins’ Glory is a 50% abv solution of water, alcohol, ginger root, and ground ginger. Gryphons’ Grace is a 50% abv solution of water, alcohol, grapefruit peel, and vanilla extract. Leprechaun’s Gold is a 50% abv solution of water, alcohol, and lemon peel. Each bottle has enough liquid for five to ten beverages.

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