Behind the Biz

Pre-1983: Star dust.

1983-2002: The teenage years.

2002-2006: The real world.

2006-2016: Evolution.

2016-present: The agreement is forged.


Riskin's Biz was officially founded in 2016 by the mad scientist himself: Riskin, but its existence truly began way back around '06. Riskin was in college and broke, and so began thinking about how to capitalize on the things he was strong, knowledgeable, and passionate about.

From there, many product ideas were crafted. Some ended up being out of reach technologically (SnagCards), some still need time to grow (Wave), some were out of reach financially (Healthpaste), and some, he learned, merely did not have enough market potential (Rocks), or fought too much against the grain (Open Legs Project). Each one, however, carried many unique values, and so each one was worthwhile. Additionally, and equally importantly, each one brought with it a ton of experience. And this experience and knowledge compounded together to evolve into products that came closer and closer to marketability and profitability, until…

Now! Since 2016 Riskin’s Biz has been focusing on a few really cool things (Duct Tales, Genesis, Cocktail Bitters, Next Level Parties), which is what has drawn you here today.

Riskin and his Biz hope you enjoy their products. Sign up below to be a part of the lab’s newsletter: great things are on the horizon muahahahaha!